
Learn Python Basics with 6 Modules for Beginners

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Learning how to code can be a worthwhile skill, and the programming language Python is known for being beginner-friendly. That being said, it’s also versatile and powerful. Big companies like Reddit and Yelp use Python. You can also use it for projects as small as printing, “Hello, world!”


If you want to tackle a Python project for beginners yourself, we have a set of modules to try out. You can go over the material and work at your own pace before diving into more advanced courses.

What’s Covered in these Modules?

Python Modules
You’ll start at the very beginning with topics like programming syntax and work your way to more advanced introductory topics like control flow. A beginning bonus module will help you set up Repl.it so you can easily start coding in Python, following along with the modules.

If you have already learned the topics covered in the modules, you can still skill up on Python with our 5-week Prep course. This more in-depth course is also centered on Python.

Getting Started With the Python Modules Is as Easy as Signing Up

Tell us where to send access to these Python modules and you’ll be coding in no time. Once you’ve received the introductory email, you’ll be able to access and work on the modules when you want until you’ve completed them. New to Hackbright? Learn more about who we are.

Hackbright Course Coding Basics

Learned the Basics? Jump Right Into Our Prep Course

Learning Python and practicing projects can be easier in a like-minded community. With Hackbright, you can learn foundational principles of programming and Python in our 5-week Prep course, which is offered remotely on a part-time schedule. Throughout the course, you will learn remotely in real-time and have access to our supportive development community.

Recommended Reading

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